Friday, November 3, 2006

Week Rounded Out - 11.3.06

No family does crazy like ours! This weekend, we have three (!) soccer games because a lovely early snow caused the cancellation of two weeks worth of games. So, we will be doing the soccer shuffle, again. Thankfully, Lizzie can carpool with her coach, so we won't have to prematurely drag Olie away from her game. It's supposed to be a balmy sixty degrees this weekend so all should go as planned. But, it is Colorado and sixty degrees can become thirty degrees in the blink of an eye.

I also have three Safari Moc orders that must be completed by Christmas, so I need to find some time this weekend to knit those up. I'm going to aggressively market them, locally and via my website, because they are a fabulous deal; Coach has a similar product for $128. And, they only come in pink. Whatevah.

Also, my understanding of Intellectual Property law is a bit fuzzy, so I must begin outlining and doing hypos to prep for exams, which are right around the corner for us. I feel good about Remedies, mostly because I loved Contracts, so I get it. I know. I'm a law nerd.

The spring class schedule was finally posted so I've been busy selecting classes (and alternates) for next semester. Right now, my schedule is shaping up like so:
  • Constitutional Law

  • Trusts and Estates

  • Advanced Legal Writing

  • Criminal Law OR Employment Law Discrimination

  • Internship

Choices. Choices. But, one thing is for sure, I will be very busy next semester!

And, finally, I'd like to throw a shout out to a new blogger, Reasonable Expectations, who also happens to be a new mommy! Show her some love 'cause all us moms know we could have used a Boobalyzer test at one time or another.

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