Friday, September 1, 2006

Week Rounded Out - 9.01.06

A long Labor Day weekend is great for catching up on lots of household chores and spending quality time with the family unit. This weekend, enjoy some of Colorado's finest events:

  • Catch Big Bad Voodoo Daddy at Taste of Colorado. The weather should be looovely.

  • Take a drive down the Peak to Peak Highway before it closes for the season.

  • Hike Devil's Head and enjoy a 360 degree view to the Continental Divide from atop the last operating fire lookout along the front range.

  • or join me and the throngs of other snow-crazy, bargain hunters at the world's largest ski and snowboard sale: Sniagrab ("Bargains" spelled backwards). Gart Sport's - now Sports Authority - hosts this annual event where ski and snowboard lovers can get deeply discounted 2005 gear.

Whatever you do, don't waste the last three day weekend of summer! Get OUT!

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