The fun part for me is taking public transportation every evening after class. Two bus rides and one train ride later, I'm home. Aside from the oh-so-fun task of transferring a gazillion times, are the conversations on which I get to eavesdrop:
College Girl #1: OH MY GOD! I have to write a six page paper for my class and do a Powerpoint presentation all by myself.Six pages? Are you kidding me? I would love to write only a six-page paper. And, you know that shit is double-spaced, so it's really more like three pages. I was an English major, so I know how easy it is to crank out a paper. Honestly, I don't even know if my professors read them; I've handed in some papers I thought were fit for the shredder but the professor considered it worthy of an "A." Go figure.
College Girl #2: OH MY GOD! That's so much work. I feel so bad for you.
College Girl #3: Yeah. I'm taking Psychology and Sociology this semester.
College Girl #4: Wow. That's hard.
College Girl #3: Yeah, definitely not recommended.
Psychology and Sociology are some of the easiest classes to take. Ever. In 2003, my undergrad school was the No. 1 party school in the country; It consistently ranks in the top five "Party Schools" as determined by the Princeton Review. The top majors at my Alma Mater are open-option (code for "my parents made me come to college"), followed closely by Psychology. I think If CU students can pass Psych classes, stoned and drunk off their asses, then a sober co-ed should have no problem.
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