Wednesday, October 24, 2007

New Poll

There's a new poll up about the correlation between law school class attendance and grades. I'm dealing with my own attendance snafu and will blog it later, but for now, I'd like to know what you think. Leave me a comment if you have more to say.


Andrea said...

Attendance doesn't mean paying attention though. One of my friends literally plays Sudoku every day in class, definitely not paying attention and he's in the top 20% of the class. I sat in the exact same classes, and actually paid attention, but none of my grades were that good.

Anonymous said...

I'm really, really bad at getting distracted by the Internet in class. Another girl in my class plays Solitaire the whole time and she got the highest grade in both classes this summer. I think it depends on your preparation level, but I do believe that attendance is important. You never know what you'll miss (or what, if you attend, you'll absorb just by being there).

E. McPan said...

There's a strict attendance policy at the school where I teach. I think that in some classes you could probably just do all the reading and be fine, but you'd miss out on class discussions, hypos, etc. Although I've never asked my students not to use them, nobody uses a laptop during my class. Maybe it's because I'm so charming. Or because they want to see what crazy thing I'll do next. Whichever.

Mongrels are raising themselves. said...

Another strict attendance policy school here - and I think that is all about ego on the part of professors. Only ONE of the classes would I say this is really a helpful thing, because that instructor veers and sways from the readings alot. The rest of the classes...nope. Nothing. And, I think at least one of the profs is a bit apologetic about the whole thing - though he can't buck the system as it is mandatory on the professors as well, and they are forced to schedule makeup classes if they miss class. How do you spell attendance policy? E-G-O-T-I-S-T.