I have a plan for this day. I am woefully behind on a work project so that is my number one priority. I must make a substantial amount of headway on it. My boss needs it to finish her project and the whole shebang is due in two weeks or so. If I can manage to stay off Facebook for more than five minutes at a time then I should be okay.
Tonight, I will finish my legal writing assignment. It is the final paper and it is not due until December 15th but it will be one less thing to worry about next week when I'm cramming sixteen weeks of Criminal Law into four days.
At some point I will have to hit WF for collard greens and fixings for the three-cheese macaroni I am making for T-day. Thank goodness mom is covering the big stuff. The girls are heading over there this afternoon to lend a hand and will stay the night (bonus!).
My reward for completing everything on my to-do list will be a morning of skiing. It's 8:09am as I type this...oh...I really should call my friend in Georgia...no....stop...no distractions! It's GO time. Wish me luck.
Good luck! Except maybe you're already done by now. Maybe luck-wishes can be retroactive...if not, good luck for the next big thing.
I hope you got to ski!
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