Monday, December 1, 2008


My blog was named one of the top law student blogs in the 2008 ABA Journal Blawg 100. I am amazed my little blog made it in, but I am also deeply honored that I was included.

There are several other blogs in the law student category and we are all vying for votes. You know you want to vote for me. Simply click the link below, or the link in my sidebar, to go directly to ABA Journal's site and vote for my blog because it's the best. Just kidding (sort of). But do vote for Kelly because she is wicked smart and knows stuff about the tax code that I will never ever know in this lifetime or even in my worst law school nightmare.


Public Ed Mom said...

Hey, how sweet of you for saying such nice things!

But more important, congrats, I totally voted for you and linked you on my blog. Go, go, go!

Kim said...

Congratulations on being chosen! I am thrilled that another law student mom is considered one of the best! I voted for you!

LawSchoolMom said... guys. Thanks for voting for me.