How can the weather go from eighty degrees and beautiful, to forty-five degrees and downright chilly? With a chance of snow?! It's crazy. I should be used to the temperature swings, having lived here for nearly eleven years, but I don't think I will ever be on the same wavelength as our climate. Amazingly, our weather forecasters are eerily accurate.
Yesterday, was Registration Day. Remember? Well, it was an unholy mess. I had my classes all picked out and arranged in a most harmonious way and the registration system took my choices and spit them back in my face. Every single class was closed with a waitlist. All five of them. What are the odds that all the classes I want are full? About 335-to-1.
I did manage to find some open classes in which I have a mild interest. They are in the evening (when I want to be sleeping and not attending class) but they fulfill the very important role of getting me closer to graduation.
Speaking of registration, open enrollment is upon us. In BVSD, we have a choice about which schools our children attend. For some time now, I have been discussing the pros and cons of sending Lizzie to the neighborhood middle school versus driving ten miles away for a (arguably) better educational experience. You can read about it here and here.
So, in anticipation of this weighty decision, I have scheduled school tours of our two, top middle school choices. One choice is the local charter school that supports multi-aged classrooms and individual learning plans, which allow the children to learn at their own pace - even if that pace is above grade level.
The other choice is a neighborhood school where a lot of Lizzie's old friends will be attending. Really, it's my first choice because it has all the elements for a positive school experience: friends, academically rigourous and a variety of social activities, including yoga and knitting! Lizzie is "super excited" to possibly attend the yoga/knitting school.
These tours aren't until the end of the month, so we have some time to add other stops (including our neighborhood school) to our schedule.
And, finally, Anna over at Pleasant View Schoolhouse has a delicious soup simmering. Stop in, sit a spell, and borrow her recipe or create your own. Either way, get inspired! I did. And, my family came home to a crockpot full of Vegetable Beef with Barley and Lentil soup; a warm start to a great weekend! See you, Monday.
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